Two girls wounded in San Remigio bombing

CEBU, Philippines - A young woman and a seven-year-old girl, were injured after an unidentified man threw an explosive on the roof of their house last Sunday evening in Sitio Riverside, Barangay Hagnaya, San Remigio town.

However, Mina Sala, 18, and Gene Albones, seven years old, escaped serious injury and were taken to the Bogo Provincial Hospital for treatment as outpatients.

PO3 Felipe Gamsael Mandal, of the San Remigio Police Station, said the family was outside the house when they reportedly heard a loud noise as if somebody threw a hard object on the roof of their house.

Seconds later, the explosive fell to the ground and exploded near their machine shop causing Sala injuries.

Mandal said Albones also happened to pass by the area and was also hit by a hard object.

Mandal said nobody saw who threw the explosive because it was already dark at that time.

Police are now investigating an old grudge over a parcel of land as the possible cause of alleged bombing.

“Mura’g ingon ana sa yuta pero amo pang gi-sigehan ug lakaw ron kay ang ilang kontra amigo na man gud nila, magtagad na sila,” Mandal said in a phone interview.

Police could also not determine what type of explosive was used by the unidentified man because no pieces of the explosive were found at the scene.  (FREEMAN)

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