Melanolepis multiglandulosa Physical Characteristics

CEBU, Philippines - Alim is a shrub or small tree that grows from four to 10 meters high, often having a velvety appearance because of numerous, stellate hairs.

Its leaves are large, orbicular-ovate, grows from 10 to 25 centimeters long, very broad and heart-shaped at the base, pointed at the tip, and often deeply three- to five-lobed, with coarsely toothed margins.

Its flowers are greenish-yellow. The fruit is smooth and consists of two or three parts.


Alim is very common in thickets and second-growth forests at low and medium altitudes throughout the Philippines.

Contemporary Uses

The plant is a source of fuelwood and has medicinal properties.

Traditional Uses

The bark and leaves, when slightly heated and applied to the skin, are used to increase sweating, as a poultice for scaly skin, and used to expel intestinal worms. Fruit is used in treating wounds and has abortive properties.

How to plant your alim seedling

Clear the area where you want to plant your seedling with unwanted weeds and debris. Make sure that a one-meter radius is kept free from other vegetation. Dig a plant hole with dimensions of at least 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm. Plant the seedling at proper depth. Root collar should be at level with or a little below the ground surface with the seedling oriented upward. Fill the hole with top or garden soil and press soil firmly around the base of the seedling. In plantation-making, seedlings should maintain a two-meter distance between seedlings if planted in a row of a three-meter distance from one strip to the next strip.

How to take care of your alim seedling

Remove grass and other unwanted vegetation and cultivate the soil around the base of the seedling (50 cm radius) once in every quarter for two to three years. Place mulch around the base of the seedling (maintaining the 50 cm radius and using cut grass, leaves, and other suitable materials as mulch base).

Prune the branches at most 50 percent of the crown depth, preferably during dry season, and ensure that when pruning, you do not injure the bark.

Remove infected or infested vegetation nearby to stop plant diseases from spreading and contaminating your seedling.

Monitor regularly the growth of the seedling for presence of pests and diseases.

Data about native tree species are featured by the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc.

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