Fourth witness presented in Masangkay Murder

CEBU, Philippines - The prosecution panel presented yesterday their fourth witness against the accused in the killing of retired Regional State Prosecutor (RSP) Hernando Masangkay.

Prosecution lawyer Richard Bauson presented police chief inspector Helen Pansoy of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory-7. Pansoy was the one who conducted the fingerprint examination.

In her testimony, Pansoy, now assigned in Dumaguete as provincial chief, said that after the incident on June 28, 2010 she conducted the fingerprint examination and found that prints found in the crime scene were identical to the left index finger of the accused.

The FREEMAN is withholding the name of the accused who is a minor.

In an interview, Pansoy said the examination she conducted is “perfect science.”

Reginald Masangkay, son of the victim, told the media that they are now moving on but he said they still seek justice for his father’s death.

Last year, the accused pleaded not guilty to the robbery with homicide.

He was assisted by his counsel Edgar Seguerra before Judge Ester Veloso of Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 6.

The accused used to be Masangkay’s driver.

Based on reports, he allegedly robbed the victim before he killed him inside Masangkay’s residence in Ta-lisay.

Reginald said his father was robbed of his gold necklace and expensive watch.

The victim also lost P4,000 cash.

The accused was arrested in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental after the police traced him through a social networking site.

The accused was joining a male fashion show during his arrest.

The next scheduled hearing will be on November 5, 2012. (FREEMAN)

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