Lightning strikes farmer

CEBU, Philippines - A young farmer died after he was struck by lightning in the mountain barangay of Taptap, Cebu City last Thursday afternoon.

Christopher Archua, 25, died immediately from major degree burns in his shoulder.

Juvelyn Cabuena, 24, Archua’s live-in-partner, told police that the incident happened when the victim went out of their shanty to have coffee at past 1 p.m. last Thursday.

Cabuena said that prior to the incident, she, the victim, and their five-year-old son were staying inside their shanty because of the heavy rain.

They were supposed to do their daily routine of tending the farm but were stopped by the heavy rains. With nothing to do, the victim headed to their kitchen as he wanted to have coffee.

As soon as he left for the kitchen, lightning struck and directly hit the victim’s right shoulder.

Archua slumped on the ground unconscious.

Amid the heavy rains, Cabuena rushed outside to seek help from their neighbors.

The neighbors arrived but the victim was already breathless. His shoulder was severely burned.

The victim was no longer taken to the hospital, the nearest of which was still kilometers away.     - THE FREEMAN

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