Major CV airports get new security chiefs

CEBU, Philippines - The security chiefs of three airports in Central Visayas were reshuffled by the 7th Police Center for Aviation Security (PCAS-7) to strengthen the campaign against human trafficking.

Superintendent Ritchie Medardo Posadas, acting chief of PCAS-7, gave new assignments to the security chiefs of the Mactan Cebu International Airport, Dumaguete Airport and Tagbilaran Airport.

Chief Insp. Cesar Quirit from 7th PCAS headquarters was reassigned to Dumaguete Airport, Chief Insp. Donatila Sotto from MCIA to Tagbilaran Airport while Chief Insp. Gazbamiller Guzman was reassigned from the Dumaguete Airport to MCIA.

The three had been serving their previous stations for years now.

“I reshuffled them kay familiar na kaayo sila sa ilang respective airport stations. Maayo ‘nang lain na pud ang ilang environment and new challenge na pud for them. Ato lang gilikayan nga kay familiar na sila sa lugar, of course naka-establish na pud sila’g relationship sa mga tawo ngadto, basin unya ug dili na sila makabadlong,” he said.

Posadas said that when it comes to the security of the three airports, they are already secured since they are pro-active and are aware of the possible things that might happen and what action to take.

He added that he fielded more security personnel to MCIA because it is an international airport while the other two are just local airports.

“Since MCIA is an international airport, daghan ‘tang tawo nga gibutang ngadto and these are top-caliber personnel nga na-screen gyud nato because we really want to maximize the security of our airports,” he said.

Posadas conducted a security survey and learned that some parts of the Tagbilaran and Dumaguete airport’s perimeter fences were not in good condition and needed to be fixed as soon as possible.

He said maximizing security has always been a problem but this can be solved through coordination with the airport police and airport guards as well as the general managers of the airports.

Posadas said he also helped in strengthening the campaign against human trafficking just like what Manila did.

“Mas strikto ang atong airport security measures. We check the ID passes and the organic members of PCAS who are not on duty are not allowed to loiter in the airports so that they will not be suspected as well,” he said.

PCAS coordinated with immigration bureau and the airport and other agencies inside the airport for this purpose.    - THE FREEMAN

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