Raps vs. Arroyo, Garcia raffled off on same day

CEBU, Philippines - A Capitol lawyer finds it “interesting” the raffling off of the cases of both former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia on the same day.

Garcia is identified as a close ally of Arroyo.

Garcia's spokesman, lawyer Rorejohn Sepulveda said there were talks why only Arroyo is put behind bars.

The plunder case against Arroyo was filed by the Ombudsman a week ahead of the graft charges filed against Garcia but these were raffled off together last Friday.

Arroyo's plunder is assigned to the First Division of the Sandiganbayan while Garcia's graft charges that were filed last Thursday were raffled off to the Second Division.

“We are hoping nga sa ilang rush wa kaayo ni mamaayo pagka luto,” Sepulveda said.

Sepulveda expressed that they were “extremely surprised on the speed and dispatch these three information were raffled off.”

Sepulveda also said “they are trying to come up with a bigger picture for the State of the Nation Address” to be delivered by President Benigno Aquino III this afternoon.

Sepulveda said the people behind the filing of the criminal charges are trying to bully Garcia who is determined to pursue her senatorial bid in the 2013 elections.

“They think that their cutesy style will hamper the zest of our governor. They are wrong,” said Sepulveda who added that they are cooking up something to advance their own political interest.

Sepulveda expressed confidence that since day one, there was nothing wrong with the Balili transaction, much more a wrong that can merit a criminal prosecution.

Sepulveda said bringing the battle to court is like the fable of a turtle and the rabbit.

He said bringing the Garcias to a legal battle is like throwing a turtle into the sea.

The Office of the Ombudsman filed the criminal case before the Sandiganbayan days after Cebu City Rep. Tomas Osmeña, Garcia's critic, announced that a suspension order is set to be served against the governor.

Sepulveda said the camp of Garcia's opponents are just trying to destroy an institution of the government that they are going to serve.

“Kinsa pa may mosalig sa Ombudsman? Maayo pa ila gihilum,” he said.

Meanwhile, some Cebu officials will be attending today's Sona of the President.

Those who confirmed were Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama and representatives Pablo John Garcia, Ramon “Red” Durano, Rachel “Cutie” del Mar and Tomas Osmeña. — Gregg M. Rubio with Jessica R. Pareja/MBG

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