Bogus lawyer sued for estafa

CEBU, Philippines - A man who claimed that he was a lawyer and used P6.2 million entrusted to him by a “client” is facing charges for estafa.

The Cebu City Prosecutor’s Office indicted Julius Lopez, alias Attorney Julius Tolentino, after Prosecutor Alexander Acosta found enough evidence to elevate the case against him.

Lopez’s co-respondent, a Jenife Ong, escaped charges for lack of probable cause.

Elizabeth Tiu, a resident of Banawa, Cebu City said in her complaint, accused the two of conniving with each other to defraud her.

Tiu said she sought the assistance of a lawyer to transfer the title of the land to her name. She said it was Ong who introduced Lopez to her.

Lopez promised to complete the transaction in 2009 but failed to deliver.

Though they made several demands to get their P6.2 million back, Tiu said the accused refused to comply.

Moreover, Tiu said the documents Lopez presented to her supposedly from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and local tax payments were “fake and spurious.”

She said she checked with the Office of the Register of Deeds and found no transaction representing her name.

Acosta recommended P100,000 bail for Lopez. (FREEMAN)

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