Man commits suicide over argument

CEBU, Philippines - A heated argument due to a misunderstanding prompted a common-law-husband to commit suicide last Thursday morning inside their house in Barangay Mangcao, Ginatilan.

Marites Tugahan, 29, who was slept at her mother’s house since Sunday to avoid further arguments, was no longer able to see her live-in partner alive when she arrived at their house that day.

She just saw Edwin Medel, 29, reportedly hanging lifeless with a nylon rope looped around his neck.

Police investigation disclosed that last Sunday, Medel and Marites had an argument. At the height of their altercation, Medel allegedly slapped Marites once.

This prompted Marites to seek the help of her mother, Cirila Tugahan, who lives adjacent to their house.

Cirila defended Marites but Medel went to the kitchen and took a scythe. Medel allegedly attacked Cirila but the latter was able to avoid the attempts and ran outside the house together with Marites.

Due to the incident, Marites wanted to break-up with Medel and decided to stay with her mother.

Cirila then accompanied Marites to the office of the Barangay Captain to report the incident. Medel was then summoned to appear before the same office on Monday.

Medel reportedly called Marites through her cellular phone and told her to go home that day so she could witness how he will take his own life.

From the office of the Barangay Captain, Marites rushed to their house but when she arrived, she came across Medel’s lifeless body.

Medel’s remains now lies at their residence.— (FREEMAN)

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