113 cops test negative of drugs

CEBU, Philippines - No one of the 113 policemen assigned at the Cebu Provincial Police Office subjected to a random drug test last week was tested positive of drug use.

CPPO director Patrocinio Comendador was happy to announce the result that none of his men were found positive. Comendador subjected the personnel of Bogo City, Medellin, and San Remigio police stations in the north and the Dumanjug, Barili, Alcantara, and Moalboal police stations in the south to the test.

According to Comendador, all of the 113 who took the drug test were found negative.

Comendador said that more random drug test will be conducted soon for the other police stations in the province.

SPO1 Winston Isnani of Bogo City Police Station who allegedly refused to submit himself to the test was already reassigned at the provincial headquarters and will be placed under investigation.

Isnani however said he did not evade the drug test. He said he was only catching up a lawyer at the Regional Trial Court in Bogo City because of a case he was filing. Isnani allegedly returned to the police station supposedly to submit himself to the test but he ran out of time.

In fact, Isnani took the test at the provincial headquarters where he also tested negative. Isnani will be assigned back to Bogo City.

Two policemen were found positive of drugs in last year's random drug test. One was already dismissed from service while the other one is still facing investigation.— (FREEMAN)

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