Palma to flock : Listen, evangelize

CEBU, Philippines - In celebration of the 46th World Communications Sunday yesterday, Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma encouraged everyone especially media practitioners, to not only speak but to listen as well.

“Kung sa tanang oras pirme lang kita nagasulti, kuwang og depth ang atong communication. It’s important that in times that we do not speak, we also listen, (If we only speak all the time, our communication would lack depth…)” he said.

Palma also emphasized that nobody is always right at all times.       

 “We should not feel that all the time, we are the only ones who have good things to say. If we have the attitude of listening, others may also have something to say. In that sense, we develop brotherhood, good will and even evangelization,” Palma said.

Palma celebrated yesterday’s Mass at St. Joseph Parish Church in Mabolo, Cebu City for the Feast of St. Joseph the Patriarch.

In his 18-minute homily, Palma emphasized the value of silence in communication.

Even in prayer, Palma said that apart from being prayerful, people should also be contemplative.

“Many people are prayerful - one novena after the other - but they are not contemplative. Sana part of their prayer would be that they stop talking and just listen to the Lord,” the prelate said.

Palma likewise thanked media practitioners as well as the social means of communications like Facebook, Twitter, text messaging and electronic mail among others, because people can now easily reach out to one other.

Palma called them a “blessing and important sectors of the society”.

But while there are many values the social communications can promote, Palma cautioned his flock of its dangers as these can be used for wrong purposes.

While many post photos of their excursion on Facebook, Palma said they might as well also post photos of their prayer meetings and other religious activities that may inspire other people.

“Sa atong pag-text, di lang mga jokes. Sa atong pagstorya, di lang tsismis, but we evangelize Christ’s stories. We are tasked to spread the good news,(In our text messages, not just jokes. In our conversations, not just gossip…)” the archbishop said. — (FREEMAN)

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