8 cops who used drugs relieved

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Police Office Director Melvin Ramon Buenafe has relieved the eight policemen who tested positive for drug use during a surprise drug test last Wednesday.

Buenafe said the relief orders took effect yesterday while they are still waiting for the results of confirmatory tests from the Regional Crime Laboratory.

The policemen are now reassigned to the CCPO headquarters while investigation is still being conducted by the Investigation and Detective Management Branch.

Fifteen policemen from various police stations were endorsed by their respective station chiefs to undergo the surprise screening on suspicion they are using drugs.

Eight tested positive for shabu, while three others are now being investigated for purposely not attending the activity.

Buenafe assured the eight policemen of due process as part of their rights, adding that CCPO is preparing a special seminar to help them with their drug problem.

“Let us be fair with them. We need to monitor this, the truth must prevail,” Buenafe said.

Police Regional Office -7 director Chief Supt. Marcelo Garbo Jr. also ordered Buenafe to disarm the eight policemen while they are under investigation.

Garbo said if the eight policemen will test positive in the confirmatory testing, he will not hesitate to dismiss them if proof so warrants.

In the past few years PRO-7 has dismissed six policemen from service because of drugs.

“What makes the Philippine National Police different is that we are guided through manuals. They (eight policemen) are assured of due process,” he said.

Once the confirmatory results are released, Garbo said the concerned policemen will be sent to the regional holding center.

“We will ground them pending resolution of their case,” he said.

He said it seems something may be wrong with their recruitment because most of those who tested positive are new policemen.

“We are hard on those police who are involved in anything drug-related,” he added.

PRO-7 also ordered a similar surprise drug test in the Lapu-Lapu City Police Office two weeks ago among the members of the local Ant-Illegal Drug Special Operation Team. Results have yet to be released by the Crime Laboratory.

Garbo said that those who will test positive in LCPO will likewise share the same fate with those from CCPO. Use of illegal drugs is a violation of National Police Commission memorandum circular 2007-001.

Meanwhile, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama commended Buenafe for implementing random drug test among his men. He said he will also implement random drug testing in the City Hall in due time.

He said the eight policemen should not be condemned.

“Let them undergo cleansing. Ipa-rehab lang. Let’s not condemn them or be too harsh on them,” Rama said.

“Di na lang gud ta mag-hilas-hilas. If there is a problem and the availability of drugs, there’s no guarantee we’ll not be tempted by drugs. Ma-datu, ma-pobre, even cardinals, bishops, or pari,” the mayor said.

Rama said he was not in favor of random drug testing when he was still a councilor, but now he currently sees the needs to implement it because of the proliferation of illegal drugs. — Ryan Christopher J. Sorote and Niña G. Sumacot/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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