Cab driver robbed by gay passenger

CEBU, Philippines - A 66-year-old taxi driver lost his P1,000 income after he was robbed at gunpoint by his gay passenger in Mandaue City yesterday.

Pepiano Babatoan, resident of Barangay Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City, was driving his RC Taxi when a gay passenger flagged him down in Barangay Ibabao, Mandaue City.

The unidentified passenger told Babatoan to bring him to a hotel in Lapu-Lapu City. Babatoan told Police Officer 3 Nersas Baay that he was unsuspecting that his passenger was a robber.

Baay told The Freeman that the robber ordered Babatoan to pass through the Mandaue-Mactan Bridge in going to Lapu-Lapu. However, upon reaching A.C. Cortez Avenue in Barangay Alang-alang the unidentified robber ordered the driver to pull over and declared a hold-up.

After taking the victim's wallet, which contained his one-day earnings, the gay robber casually sashayed away from him. — (FREEMAN)

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