CIDG ready to use force to get Ecleo

CEBU, Philippines - Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-7 Director Jose Pante said they are ready to use force to apprehend Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association cult leader Ruben Ecleo Jr., who was found guilty of killing his wife Alona Bacolod last week.

Pante said force cannot be avoided because of Ecleo's stature and overwhelming influence.

“If in the line of duty we have to place ourselves in danger then it's also proper for us to do what we must to preserve our lives,” he said.

In June 2002, around 2,000 PBMA members barricaded Ecleo's mansion in Dinagat Island as policemen tried to serve an arrest warrant for Alona's death. 

A policeman and 16 PBMA members were left dead after a three-hour gunbattle that ended in Ecleo's surrender.Prosecution lawyer Kit Enriquez told The FREEMAN via text message he hopes that the manhunt operation of the police is true.

“Let them start in Ecleo's mansion in Dinagat,” he said.

Pante said that they have never stopped looking for Ecleo since they received his warrant of arrest from the Sandiganbayan for a graft case.

He appealed to the public to help them in their search as information on Ecleo's whereabouts has been very scarce since he managed to post bail.

CIDG-7 is not even sure if Ecleo is still in the Visayas as earlier reported.

Pante, however, said that there is high chance that Ecleo might be living among his supporters like what happened in June 2002.

PBMA claims to have around 5 million followers nationwide.

Unconfirmed reports received place Ecleo back in Dinagat Island protected by his followers, some of them, even women, are reportedly taking up arms to protect him. 

The reports further said that when Ecleo heard that he was convicted, he reportedly fired his gun in anger.

The Department of Justice has also asked the National Bureau of Investigation to join in the manhunt.


The Bacolod family together with the members of Crusade Against Violence attended a thanksgiving Mass in the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral after the conviction of Ecleo.

The Bacolod brothers Angelito, Ricky and Josebil, attended the mass at 9 a.m. yesterday with tight security from the members of the CIDG.

“Mapasalamaton mi pero di pa hingpit kay wa paman madakpi si Ecleo,” Josebil said.

He added they will ask President Benigno Aquino III to pressure the police officers for the immediate arrest of Ecleo.

Thelma Chong, national vice president of CAV, said Ecleo must be expelled from Congress as it is an insult of Aquino's administration to have him there.

Last Friday, Judge Soliver Peras of Regional Trial Court Branch 10 convicted Ecleo after finding him guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Peras gave weight to the testimonies of witnesses Josebil Bacolod and Gloria Navaja in convicting Ecleo.

Josebil said on January 5, 2002 he heard her sister asking for help from the master's bedroom and later saw Ecleo and his aide Jorebil Padero carrying something wrapped in a black garbage bag and putting it into the compartment of Ecleo's car.

Navaja testified that on same date at 11 p.m. he saw Ecleo and Padero in Barangay Corro, Dalaguete town, Cebu, with black garbage bag.

The garbage bag was later found to contain the body of Alona. (FREEMAN)

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