To put end to Compostela issue: SC junks petition vs. Mayor Quiño

CEBU, Philippines - The victory of Compostela Mayor Joel Quiño in the May 2010 elections has again been affirmed. This time it is by the Supreme Court.

This as the High tribunal dismissed the petition filed by former Compostela mayor Ritchie Wagas against the proclamation of Quiño and other town officials.

SC Clerk of Court Enriqueta Vidal issued the notice quoting the en banc Resolution dated March 20.

“The Court resolved to dismiss the petition for failure to sufficiently show that any grave abuse of discretion was committed by the Commission on Elections in rendering the challenged resolution which, on the contrary, appears to be in accord with the facts and applicable law and jurisprudence,” the resolution reads.

After one year and nine months, the Comelec in Manila finally proclaimed Quiño as the duly-elected mayor of the town last March 5 together with the rest of the municipal officials that were declared winners in May 2010 national and local elections.

Others proclaimed were Vice Mayor Nanette Dangoy and councilors Joy Abing, Joy Ann Cabatingan, Tessa Cang, Wilfredo Calo, Homer Canen, Alfredo Cabatingan, Jose Cagang, and Francisco Oliverio.

“It is expected that the other party would resort to that mode because it is provided for under the law, but to me it is an act in futility,” said Cang in a text message to The FREEMAN on the SC decision.

Quiño and the other elected municipal officials were declared winners of the elections in 2010, but failed to assume office due to a protest filed by the former mayor.

Wagas contended that the results from the 15 clustered precincts were not counted and were not transmitted in the final canvass of votes. 

Quiño officially got 12,076 votes against 9,071 for Wagas.

Quiño and other officials immediately assumed office after they took their oath before Cebu 5th District Rep. Ramon “Red” Durano VI the day after their proclamation.

Wagas earlier said the proclamation was highly questionable as it was based on the election returns, which he alleged are questionable.

This prompted him to raise the matter to the SC. — /NLQ (FREEMAN)

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