Sheriff sets auction of SRP lot in April

CEBU, Philippines - Barring any other developments, the public auction of the Cebu City-owned property at the South Road Properties to pay the judgment debt will push through on April 10.

This is after sheriff Eugenio Fuentes issued a notice of execution sale at public auction to both parties - the City of Cebu and the heirs of Vicente Rallos.

In the said order, Fuentes stated that the public auction will be held at the premises of the Office of the Sheriff in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) on April 10, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

However, according to Fuentes, if the public auction will not push through for whatever reason, this will be moved to April 17, 2012.

Fuentes added that if their will be an agreement to postpone the auction sale it must be submitted for approval before the hour of the scheduled sale.

He likewise advised prospective bidders to “examine and verify for themselves the encumbrances of the realty, if there be any other than the levy on execution made to satisfy the money judgment stipulated in the said amended writ of execution issued in the instant case.”

It was the Ralloses who chose the lot to be auctioned.

The court ordered the auction to cover the P133 million judgment debt for the compensation of Rallos property located in Barangay Sambag 1 used by the government as public road.

Supposedly the auction was last year yet but because of the pleadings of the City, the court ordered to stop the said auction.

 “The judge holds in abeyance until further order the execution sale at public auction of the levied property until pending motions/incidents in the civil case are resolved,” the order reads. — (FREEMAN)

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