PB dad unhurt in vehicular accident

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu Provincial Board Member Peter John Calderon has escaped unhurt after his government-owned service vehicle met an accident at the South Coastal Road shortly before noon yesterday.

Calderon was on his way to attend a meeting with Governor Gwendolyn Garcia at the Capitol when his Toyota Hilux was bumped by a six-wheeler garbage truck in Barangay Tangke past 11:00 a.m.

The official’s vehicle was damaged as it was dragged by the garbage vehicle towards the gutter. Calderon and his driver Marianito Labiste however were safe. In fact, it did not require them to be brought to the hospital.

“Maayo nalang kay hinay ra sad ang dagan (Good that the vehicle was only running slow),” Calderon said.

 Despite what had happened, Calderon was still able to attend his meeting with Garcia because his colleague in the second district, PB Member Wilfredo Caminero, happened to pass by them.

Caminero took Calderon to Capitol leaving the latter’s driver to attend to the vehicle and answer questions from police investigators.

Jesus Ondoy, driver of the garbage truck, said he was on his way to dump garbage at the Consolacion dumpsite when he suddenly lost control of the vehicle.

Ondoy said his brake malfunctioned while trying to avoid a speeding 10-wheeler truck.  (FREEMAN)

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