Talisay lawyer's ambushed wife buried

“Mana, open your eyes!”

Weeping in front of the casket, these were the desperate words of one of Virginia Sesbreño’s sisters during her interment yesterday afternoon at the Carreta Publice Cemetery.

Virginia, wife of lawyer Raul Sesbreño, was killed with two others on Wednesday after they left the demolition site in Barangays Lawaan 1, 2 and 3 in Talisay City. 

The three victims were on board a white Isuzu DMax pick-up heading to Barangay Inayawan, Cebu City when they were ambushed.

Virginia’s 56-year-old sister who wished anonymity told The FREEMAN what happened to her sister was a shock to the entire family but she forgives the culprits.

The interment was attended only by relatives and close friends. It was simple and brief, with no ceremonies.

Peter, 30, one of Virginia’s five children, said that her mother’s death is forcing him to lead tomorrow’s demolition in Barangays Lawaan.

“Magkamatay man kuno sila, tan-awon nalang nato. Maayo pag-muhawa nalang silang tanan aron walay dugo nga mobanaw,” he said. (Let’s see what happens. It’s best if they just all leave the place to prevent bloodshed.)

Peter also expressed disappointment over the police inaction on their earlier request for security: “Kun wala mamatay akong mama, mao pay paghatag og police.” (It took my mother’s death for them to provide us with security.)

He said the police denied to give them assistance for their demolition plans. Peter said they also asked the help of the National Bureau of Investigation to conduct a separate investigation on the death of her mother.

“Ang inyong gibuhat sa akong inahan di ta gyud mo pasayluon, paprisuhon gyud ta mo,” he said, referring to his mother’s killers. (I’ll never forgive you for what you did to my mother, I’ll make sure you’ll land in jail.)  (FREEMAN)

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