Fewer policemen face raps in 2011

CEBU, Philippines - There were fewer policemen from Central Visayas who faced administrative cases this year compared to last year according to the Discipline Law and Order Section (DILOS) of the Police Regional Office-7.

DILOS chief Sr. Insp. Jose Gesto said there were 66 administrative cases filed this year, 14 cases more than last year’s 79 cases.

Gesto said all 79 cases last year have already been resolved and only 18 of the 66 cases this year are pending. He said the 18 cases, filed more recently, will be resolved early next year.

“Mga bag-o naman ning nahibilin and we can not resolve it immediately kay it takes three months before a single case to be resolved,” Gesto told The FREEMAN in a phone interview.

Most of the cases this year, 29 of them, were filed against policemen from the Cebu Provincial Police Office. This was also the same number last year.

Provincial Police Director Sr. Supt. Patrocinio Comendador said it would appear that there are more erring policemen at CPPO but it also means that the provincial police office is serious in dealing with its erring members, particularly the Provincial Investigation Detection and Management Branch.

“Kusog ang among initiation sa filing of charges against our personnel if found liable of an offense,” Comendador said.

He added that CPPO also has the biggest area of responsibility and has the most number of personnel compared to the other police headquarters.

All in all, Gesto said the decrease of the total number of personnel charged would mean that cops are aware that the PNP is serious in imposing disciplinary action if its members err.

 “At least aware na sila nga gitinuod na namo sila ug investigate and charged,” Gesto said. (FREEMAN)

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