MCIA officials, ex-GM told to answer charges

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman has ordered the former general manager and six incumbent officials of the Mactan Cebu International Airport to file their counter-affidavit to the criminal and administrative charges filed against over the alleged anomalous improvement projects in 2006.

Ordered to file their counter-affidavit and other controverting evidence are former MCIA general manager, now Defense Assistant Secretary for Plans Danilo Augusto Francia, assistant general manager Romeo Bersonda, MCIA Authority (MCIAA) property division manager Alvarro Derramas, MCIAA principal engineer Eduardo Ginete, cashiering division manager Catherine Sepulveda, MCIAA corporate accountant Grace del Bando and the project’s contractor and managing director of Socor Construction Corp. Fortunato Sanchez.

Quick to file his manifestation, private complainant Crisologo Saavedra requested the Office of the Ombudsman for the Visayas yesterday to order the preventive suspension of the respondents for six months without pay.

In an order dated October 20, 2011 signed by Assistant Ombudsman for the Visayas Virginia Palanca-Santiago, respondents are prohibited from filing motion to dismiss, motion for bill of particulars and similar dilatory motions.

Saavedra alleged that the asphalt overlay of the taxi stand and entrance to the VIP Lounge of the MCIAA were allegedly done without public bidding and that the airport management allegedly awarded the project to a favored contractor at an alleged overpriced cost of P64,960.71.

In their final evaluation report, graft investigator Rosanna Ortiz found basis to upgrade the complaint against Francia and six others into a criminal case.

Francia will also be facing an administrative case for dishonesty before the Ombudsman.

The criminal cases against the seven public officials are for violation of Republic Act 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and RA 9184 or the Government Procurement Reform Act. They are also facing an administrative case for dishonesty.

Earlier, an audit team from the MCIAA and the Commission on Audit found that the contract entered into between the MCIAA and Socor Construction was done through “negotiation.”

The audit report said that the procurement was irregular because it did not pass the normal procurement process wherein bidding is required.

Saavedra, who used to participate in biddings for MCIA projects, filed several cases against airport officials before the Ombudsman. — (FREEMAN)

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