Cat saves girl, 16, from rapist

CEBU, Philippines - A cat saved a 16-year-old girl from a 17-year-old boy who was allegedly about to rape her inside her house in Sitio White Rose, Barangay Yati, Liloan town, around midnight yesterday.

The girl was deep asleep and failed to notice the alleged assailant who attempted to rape her when the victim’s 12-year-old brother woke up after he was repeatedly pawed in the face by their cat.

The victim, her brother and their grandmother went to the Liloan Police Station and alleged that the alleged assailant, whom they considered as a family friend, would have raped the girl had it not been for the cat.

PO2 Rutchiel Jugalbot said that the victim and her brother were sleeping but left the door of their hut open because their other 14-year-old sibling had not yet arrived.

The victim has four other siblings but two are staying with their grandmother who is living not far from their hut.

According to the 12-year-old after he was awakened by the cat he saw somebody inside their house but he failed to recognize the alleged assailant at first, it was only when he opened the light that he recognized their friend and asked what he was doing in their house.

“Ayaw pataka-taka ug sumbong ha?” the suspect reportedly said before he hurriedly left the house.

Jugalbot said that the 12-year-old had to kick her sister several times in the leg before she woke up.

“Grabe kaayo nakatulog kay flat kaayo kung wa siya sikari sa igsuon di gyud siya kamata,” the police said.

Police are still looking for the alleged assailant who then fled after what happened while the victim was referred to the Pink Room of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center for a check-up.

Meanwhile, a trisikad driver was arrested for allegedly raping a 22-year-old woman in Barangay Ocaña, Carcar City, last Sunday evening.

Jovito Racaza, a resident of the place, is now detained at the Carcar Police Station stockade.

Police said that the victim was heading home on the trisikad driven by Racaza. Upon reaching a dark portion of the road, Racaza allegedly stopped the trisikad and then molested the victim.

The victim later told her parents what happened and the suspect was immediately arrested.

The parents of the victim are now waiting for the result of the medical examination which will be used in the filing of charges against Racaza.    (FREEMAN)

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