Man beats up wife for refusing sex

CEBU, Philippines - A 33-year-old wife was beaten up by her drunk husband after she allegedly refused to have sex with him yesterday morning in the southern town of Dalaguete.

The victim sustained severe injuries on her face and body after receiving several punches and kicks from her jealous husband. In fact, the woman was only barely able to walk when she was rescued by the barangay captain and the tanods at 5:00 a.m. yesterday in Barangay Maluray.

Senior Police Officer 1 Veronico Centino said the suspect, 44-year-old husband, went home drunk and wanted to have sex with his wife. Centino said the wife refused because the suspect was drunk and smells alcohol.

However, the husband reportedly got jealous thinking that his wife had an elicit affair with another man because she is no longer doing her marital obligation to him. The suspect then started beating his wife until the latter was rescued by the barangay officials.

The wife cried for help prompting the neighbors to seek assistance from barangay captain Bonifacio Tampus and the tanods.

Tampus and the tanods rescued the victim and placed her husband under arrest. The suspect was turned over to the Dalaguete Police Station where he is currently detained.

He will be charged for violation of the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children on Monday should the wife decides to press charges.

Police investigation shows that the suspect is a drunkard and had a habit of hurting his wife every time he gets drunk.

In fact, it was allegedly not the first time that the suspect has beaten up his wife. — (FREEMAN)

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