Youth center for spirituality opens

CEBU, Philippines - Efforts of the members of the Commission on Youth of the Cebu Archdiocese – from literally begging for money and squabbling for trash to earn funds – finally paid off.

After one year and five months, the Youth Center of the Archdiocese of Cebu along P. Burgos Street across the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral was inaugurated yesterday. No less than Archbishop Emeritus Ricardo Cardinal Vidal led the ribbon cutting during the event yesterday afternoon.

The two-story youth center will be utilized for programs for the youth’s developmental and spiritual activities.

“This is a new dawn for our Church,” Vidal said. The inauguration was undertaken by the lighting of candles and throwing off of chocolates.

Apart from the Cebuano youths’ pure hardwork, the construction of the building was also made possible with the support of benefactors.

“I am truly, deeply, madly grateful to each of you and for the generosity of our benefactors,” said Msgr. Arturo Navales, chairman of the Cebu Archdiocese Commission on Youth.

With the limited sour-ces they had, Navales said they had to literarily beg for donations from one house to another and from one parish to the next to raise funds for the building’s construction.

“But begging has taught us to be humble and rely on God’s providence,” Navales said.

They also looked for empty bottles, tin cans, and iron scarps in garbage piles to sell to raise more money.

They even experienced an unfortunate incident when they accidentally spilled out some P5,000 worth of coins along Escario Street.

Vidal said the people around at that time merely looked at the young people, while some pocketed the coins. In the end, they only managed to retrieve P2,000.

“This building is built with tears and sweat of our young people,” Vidal said.

Navales said they raised a total of P3.7 million for the building’s construction, but they would need about P300,000 more to furnishings.

The ground floor of the center will serve as a multi-purpose hall for trainings, seminars, Masses, recollection and confessions. The second floor will be devoted as classrooms for the different courses that will be offered via Youth Links. (FREEMAN)

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