Man accused of parricide try

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Prosecutor’s Office indicted a man for allegedly trying to kill his mother after she confronted him about using drugs.

Richard Delluva, 30, a resident of B. Rodriquez St., Barangay Sambag 2, Cebu City, was accused of attempted parricide before the Regional Trial Court.

Prosecutor Alexander Acosta elevated the case to the court after finding probable cause. He said the accused choose not to undergo preliminary investigation to answer the allegations filed against him.

He recommended a P40,000 bail for the temporary liberty of the accused.

In the affidavit executed by Richard’s mother Nelia, 60, said she learned from their neighbor that her son was a drug dependent. Last Oct. 27, 2011 he was causing trouble at a nearby store, des-troying anything he could lay his hands on.

She said she waited for her son to go home then confronted him.

“Once inside I asked him what happened and what angered him. As always he brushed me aside and tried to inflict bodily harm on me but I was able to elude him,” her affidavit read.

Nelia said her son then took a piece of coconut lumber which had a protruding nail at the other end and tried to kill her.

She said she ran to her room and locked the door. It was their neighbor who called for the police and barangay tanods for help and they came to arrest the accused.

She also said in her affidavit it was not the first time her son tried to kill her, in fact she rents another place and just periodically checks on him. (FREEMAN)

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