Peace Corps chief visits Phl

CEBU, Philippines - The global director of the US Peace Corps, Mr. Aaron Williams is in the Philippines to celebrate 50 years of partnership in one of the earliest established Peace Corps programs.

Appointed by President Obama in 2009, Williams oversees Peace Corps programs in over 70 countries worldwide. He will be accompanied by Associate Director for Global Operations Esther Benjamin, and White House Liaison Elisa Montoya on this special visit to recognize one of the earliest established Peace Corps programs. 

Since 1961, over 8,000 Peace Corps Volunteers have served in the Philippines in nearly every development sector including education, agriculture, health, nutrition, small business, fisheries, and forestry; they have touched the lives of millions of Filipinos as teachers, colleagues and friends.

Today’s 235 Volunteers work in schools as co-teachers and teacher trainers; in children’s facilities teaching vocational and life skills; and at the local level working in coastal resources management and environment with fisherfolk communities. 

According to Williams, the focus of the visit is “to celebrate the great success of this partnership and to recognize the joint achievements of Filipinos and Americans since the establishment of Peace Corps by President Kennedy in 1961.” 

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