Tom apologizes over gym issue

CEBU, Philippines - Saying he assumes command responsibility over members of his political party, Cebu City South District Rep. Tomas R. Osmeña yesterday apologized to the public about the actuations of the members of the City Council who charged against government funds their enrollment with a private gym and spa.

But as that developed, the councilors try to justify their enrollment at the Cebu Holiday Gym and Spa by citing a Civil Service Commission memorandum directing all local government units to implement a physical fitness program for all its officials and personnel.

“Dili na maayo. I apologize in behalf of the Bando Osmeña Pundok-Kauswagan (BOPK). I assume command responsibility,” said the congressman, who is the founder and acknowledged leader of the BOPK.

All the city councilors, including Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young and the representatives from the Sanguniang Kabataan (SK) and Association of Barangay Councils (ABC), are both affiliated with BOPK.

The public, through the media, has criticized the actuation of the city legislators who granted the move of Councilor Jose Daluz III to charge P360,000 against the City Hall’s budget.

When The FREEMAN asked Osmeña on his suggestions to his allies to avoid a similar incident, he replied with, “No need. It won’t happen again.”

Some city councilors who asked anonymity said they were hesitant to support the proposed resolution of Daluz but out of courtesy they decided to remain silent over the issue, this is why there was no deliberation about it.

While the contract allowing the city’s 20 elected officials to use the facilities of the Holiday Gym and Spa has been signed by Mayor Michael Rama and the firm’s operation’s officer last May, the City Council approved it only last October 12.

The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas had announced it will investigate the possibility that the concerned city officials violated the laws, particularly on the report that the contract price was bloated.

Based on the contract, the gym will charge P18,000 to each of the 20 officials, but when The FREEMAN contacted the firm, its representative said the annual membership only costs P12,500 each. The firm can give as much as 20 percent discount for group enrollment of 11 to 20 persons, who will be entitled to use all amenities of the gym.

Yesterday, the Cebu City Council cited a Civil Service Commission Memorandum directing all local government units to implement a physical fitness program for all its officials and personnel.

The council furnished the media a copy of the CSC Memorandum Circular No. 8 issued this year by CSC Chairman Francisco T. Duque III requiring all agencies of government to adopt the Physical Fitness Program “Great Filipino Workout” for government personnel to develop a healthy and alert workforce.

Under the Memo, the agencies are required to allot a reasonable time for regular physical fitness exercise and inclusion of physical fitness exercises in seminar, training programs and similar occasions.

Government agencies are authorized to allot one hour each week for the conduct of the health awareness program and 20 minutes daily for the conduct of wellness and fitness program. The time authorized by the Memo can be consumed during office hours.

The Memo also wants government agencies to adopt of plans for a continuing physical fitness and sports activities.

The Great Filipino Workout was introduced in 1995 and was at the time seeking to emphasize the importance of “a healthy lifestyle and a regimen of regular physical fitness activities as a strategy to reduce the risk factor of heart diseases.”

It was reiterated by Duque when he took over as chairman of the CSC, with a belief that a healthy workforce means a more efficient delivery of services to the people. The City Council said their enrollment in Holiday Gym and Spa is also a form of compliance with the CSC Memo.

The council said the privilege given to the city officials which include the 18 councilors, the vice mayor and the mayor, is supposed to encourage them to have a healthy lifestyle even after a day’s hectic schedule and stressful job.

Their enrollment at the Holiday Gym and Spa not only gives them free and unlimited use of its facilities but they are also given discounts to massage services and other major services.  (FREEMAN)

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