City Hall team pushes creeks widening

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Water Crisis Management Team has recommended widening the existing creeks to solve the problem of floodings in the city.

City administrator Jose Marie Poblete said the team headed by Engr. Pedro Adonis Compendio has observed that several creeks in the city are becoming narrow because of siltation and encroachment of illegal settlers.

The team is composed mostly of technical people from the Cebu City Engineering, Public Works and private contractors, who are concerned of the flooding problem in the city and neighboring places.

The team members met yesterday at the Casino Español de Cebu to discuss possible solutions to the problems of creeks overflowing and drainage systems during heavy rains. One of the solutions agreed by the team members is to widen the creeks.

The recommendation was reached after the discussion of the actual situation and brainstorming.

Among the suggested solutions during the meeting is to clear the waterways from any obstruction, restore the three meter easement zone and change the culverts of the drainage system into bigger sizes.

It was also suggested to strictly implement the ordinance that prohibits indiscriminate dumping of garbage. However, the team members are unanimous in recommending for the dredging of the mouth of the creeks into the sea.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama announced earlier his plan to hire scuba divers to help inspect the entrances of the creeks. However, the divers refused to do the job because the rivers are very dirty. 

“Reklamo sila kay lubog kaayo ang tubig nga bisan ang ilang kamot dili makita sa ilawom unya baho pa g’yud kaayo,” Rama said.

Rama had proposed P500 million budget for drainage projects next year that is why he tasked the Water Crisis Management Team to evaluate which project needs to be prioritized. (FREEMAN)

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