Old man diesin bike accident

CEBU, Philippines - A 77-year-old man died after he was accidentally hit by a passenger multicab along the national highway of North Poblacion, Naga City last Friday afternoon.

Vicente Algoso, married, and a resident of the nearby Barangay Cogon of the same city died of severe head injuries and contusions on his body.

PO1 Nilo Dacles, traffic investigator of Naga City Police Station said that based on their investigation, the victim was driving a bicycle when he suddenly turned left to supposedly cross the highway.

At this juncture, an orange Suzuki multicab with plate numbers GXD-252 which was driven by Nestor Penarejo, was heading towards Minglanilla.

Upon seeing the victim maneuver to cross the road, Penarejo allegedly swerved to the left in an attempt to avoid hitting Algoso but he was too late. Algoso got hit and was thrown off from his bicycle.

Penarejo took the victim to the South General Hospital onboard his multicab for possible treatment but the victim no longer made it there alive.

Dacles said the victim’s family revealed that it was already the second time the victim figured in a road accident.

“Nabanggaan sad na siya before. Karon, nagrabehan na gyud matud pa sa iyang pamilya,” he said.

Dacles said they responded to the hospital where the driver voluntarily surrendered.

The driver is now detained while police wait for the decision of the family to press charges against him or not.

“Gahapon unta to (Friday) nya wala man mitunga ang tagtungod. Di sad ta kapugos kay naa pa baya sila sa state of trauma,” the police officer said. (FREEMAN)

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