"Deranged" man climbs tree, refuses to come down

CEBU, Philippines - A man suffering from nervous breakdown after he allegedly failed to find a gecko he was looking for since Tuesday night yesterday climbed a silk cotton tree in Barangay Cogon, Cordova and has refused to come down as of press time.

Ricky Empanso, 34, perched on one of the branches of the tree since 5:00 a.m. yesterday. Members of the Cordova police have been negotiating him to come down but Empanso refused claiming that somebody is out to kill him.

Although he had been on top of the tree the whole day but he did not starve because his cousin managed to climb the tree to give him food, water and a stick of cigarette.

Senior Police Officer 1 Danny Alboro of the Cordova police said that they have also responded to an alarm Tuesday evening involving Empanso. The residents of Barangay Cogon have alerted the police after Empanso allegedly broke some of the crypt in the public cemetery because of the gecko he was looking for.

Gecko is allegedly sold to collectors at a very high price for medicinal use. There have been reports that gecko can cure aids and cancer. The report however has already been denied by the Department of Health.

Empanso was allegedly looking for a two-kilo gecko he claimed to have gotten inside the burial chamber. The man however left the cemetery after being scolded by bystanders.

 As soon as he got home, Empanso took a paddle and tried to hit his live-in partner Teresita and their four kids. His wife and children however were able to escape unhurt.

Later in that evening, Empanso tried to commit suicide by stabbing himself with an ice pick.  

Senior Inspector Noli Sernio, Cordova police chief, told The FREEMAN that Empanso sustained a minor stab wound in his left shoulder. He was then taken to the Cordova Municipal Health Center but was later released.

The police were again called to respond yesterday morning because Empanso has climbed the tree and refused to come down. After several hours of negotiation the police were forced to withdraw leaving Empanso alone.

“Dili man sad pwede nga mag-atang mi ngadto kay naa man say laing alarma,” Sernio said. — (FREEMAN)

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