Stray bullet hits woman

CEBU, Philippines - A young woman was injured after she was hit by a stray bullet fired by her neighbor at L. Orlando Village, Barangay Tisa late Friday afternoon.

Karen Hibaya, 22, suffered a gunshot wound on the left side of her body after she was hit by a stray bullet fired by her neighbor Ricardo Ricky Lanawan, 40, who was arguing with another neighbor.

According to the report, the victim was walking together with her friends along the road at past 5 pm when she saw the suspect arguing with Hubert Amparado, son of the suspect’s live-in partner Cecile Amparado.

Hubert reportedly threw stones to the suspect who was standing on the rooftop of their residence.

The suspect, who was armed with an undetermined caliber of firearm, shot at Hubert but the bullet only grazed his neck.

The victim, on the other hand, happened to pass by the place and was hit on her body.

She was brought by her mother Stella Hibaya to the Cebu City Medical Center where she is currently being treated while the suspect was arrested by responding policemen. The suspect was subjected to a paraffin test and is now detained pending charges that will be filed against him. (FREEMAN)

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