CBCP: P20 wage hike not enough

CEBU, Philippines - The president of the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) urged the regional wage board in Central Visayas not just to stop on the P20-minimum wage hike.

“That should not be the end of the story because the needs of the people also increase by the day or the next months,” said CBCP president and Iloilo Archbishop Angel Lagdameo.

Lagdameo was reacting to the recent P20-increase approved by the Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board (RTWPB) in Central Visayas.

“What is sufficient today may not be sufficient next year or months from now,” Lagdameo said.

The board had ruled that the P20-wage hike will help workers cope with the increasing prices “without impairing the viability of business in the region.”

Lagdameo, along with Cebu Archbishop and incoming CBCP President Jose Palma, gathered with other bishops nationwide for the four-day national conference on Church, People and Workers since last Monday.

Palma said they in the Church are doing their part to help the workers address their concerns.

“The workers’ take home pays are very, very low. The Church is being creative and resourceful to be able to exert some influence for the government, businessmen, labor sectors and workers to come together and see this issue in a very objective manner,” Palma said.

Daisy Arago, executive director of Center for Trade Union and Human, who also joined the conference, agreed that the increased amount is not really enough.

Arago said they are thankful to the Church for taking a leap forward in its response to the workers’ problems.

Palma, in a report yesterday, has said that they have committed to take solid actions in addressing labor issues such as contractualization, wage rates and the proposed shortened work week. –(FREEMAN)

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