Ex-professor nabbed for stepson's death

CEBU, Philippines - The mother of the 17-year-old boy, who was earlier believed to have died from hazing, yesterday admitted responsibility of her son’s death.

Mylene Mina, 32, and her live-in partner Richard Perez, of sitio Sihay, Tres de Abril, Barangay Punta Princesa, Cebu City were invited by the homicide investigators for questioning because of information that they have beaten up Jhon Michael Mina to death.

Mylene admitted to the police that she and her live-in partner mauled the victim prior his death.

 “Ato ra gyud nga higayon nahitabo ang pagpangulata sa iya (Jhon) kay tayming man kaayo nga nag-init akong ulo.  Wala pay kaon akong mga anak unya sige pa gyud og pabuyag,” Mylene said.

Mylene said she strangled the victim. “Ako gyud gi-tuok akong anak tungod sa akong kalagot samtang ako siya nga gikasab-an,” she said. 

According to Mylene, the victim’s stubbornness loses her temper prompting her to beat him. While at the height of her anger, Perez arrived and joined her in mauling the victim.

“Kasalanan ko tanan kay kun di tungod sa pagyaw-yaw nako, di mo kulata akong bana (It was all my fault, if not for my nagging, my husband would not have mauled my son)” Mylene defended her husband.

In fact, she is willing to go to jail in lieu of Perez.

“Wala ko na konsensya, gi-angkon gyud nako ang pagpangulata di ko mo sugot nga ma-priso akong bana mas maayo nga ako nalang,” she said.

Perez who was immediately placed under arrest after his wife’s admission, denied beating up the victim.

“Wala koy katungod nga mo dapat ato niya kay di man to akong anak. Bisan akong mga anak di man gali makatilaw og kulata gikan nako,” Perez said.

Perez, who is a former university professor, said that they were in good terms with his stepson, adding that Jhon was very good to him.

“Buotan tong bata-a lisod kaayo ka makiglalis ato kay hilumon to nga bata-a,” he said. (FREEMAN)

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