CH worker mulls criminal raps vs "paramour's" wife

CEBU, Philippines - A female City Hall employee is threatening to sue the wife of her male co-worker for attacking her after they were caught inside a downtown pension house Tuesday night.

The 30-year-old woman, who was earlier detained together with her alleged paramour at the Waterfront Police Station, said she will file a criminal complaint for physical injuries against the wife.

Police Officer 2 Janice Tamayo of the women and child protection desk said that the woman, whose name is withheld, told her that she is filing a case against the wife after the latter withdrew her complaint to save her family.

Tamayo said the wife told that she is no longer filing a case against her husband and his alleged paramour because she wanted to save their marriage for the sake of their children. The wife, however, warned that should the two continue their illicit affair she will be forced to bring them into court the next time around that she catches them.

Because of the wife’s withdrawal of the complaint, the two City Hall employees were released last Wednesday. But instead of being grateful, the female City Hall employee instead threatened to sue the wife.

Tamayo said the woman told her that she will prepare all the necessary documents to support her case for physical injuries against the wife of her co-worker.

The woman allegedly sustained contusions and bruises on her right cheek when the wife attacked her after coming out from the room of a pension house where she and her co-worker stayed for about three hours last Tuesday.

The FREEMAN learned that the wife, while not anymore pursuing the criminal case, is filing an administrative complaint against her husband’s alleged paramour before the city government. (FREEMAN)

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