5 cops face probe over missing money

CEBU, Philippines - Aside from Inspector Leo Logroño, four other policemen of the Pinamungajan Police Station will also be investigated over the missing P100,000 owned by a copra buyer.

Cebu Provincial Police Office director Patrocinio Comendador said PO3 Calixto Sabellano, PO3 Delvert Barera, PO1 Bendie Nuñez, and PO1 Alcris Labrador will undergo investigation by the Provincial Internal Affairs Service.

“Dili ang among office ang mo-investigate kay basin moingon sila bias mi pero sila tanan apil sa investigation,” Comendador said.

Comendador said Logroño and his team will be cleared from charges if they can establish witnesses during the incident.

On Monday, Marcoza Arañaz and her companions were in Barangay Anislag, Pinamungajan to buy copra when the five policemen allegedly arrived to search their vehicle for firearm.

Arañaz claimed that the police pointed their guns at them and that her companion Berto Ungcoy and her helpers were held by the police after a .45 caliber pistol was recovered from his possession.

The police, however, did not arrest Ungcoy after he was able to present valid documents for his firearm.

But Arañaz claimed that the P100,000 she left inside the vehicle was missing, accusing the police of stealing the money. Logroño denied the allegation, saying they were just responding to a legitimate armed person alarm. He threatened to file a counter-charge against Arañaz. — (FREEMAN)

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