BOC can't yet say if tanker smuggles oil

CEBU, Philippines - The Bureau of Customs-Port of Cebu cannot yet conclude if oil smuggling was committed by Motor Tanker Petrolino-I, which was apprehended last week for allegedly carrying illegal cargoes.

The BOC legal division headed by Edward James Dy-Buco was supposed to conduct seizure proceedings yesterday but was reset after the ship management through the ship captain requested for more time for them to look for a legal counsel to defend them.

Those who were present yesterday were officials from the Philippine Coast Guard in Cebu and officials from BOC’s Run After the Smugglers.

Dy-Buco said the Philippine Coastguard in Cebu already sent samples of fuel to Manila whether to determine if it is the same fuel that was taken from the Indonesian vessel, Buleleng.

He added the next scheduled hearing of the seizure proceeding will be on July 22, 2011.

It can be recalled that M/T Petrolino-I and its cargo of four tanks containing 5,253 liters of diesel and bunker fuel were turned-over  to the BOC’s  Auction and Cargo Disposal Unit after a Warrant of Seizure and Detention was issued by BOC district collector Ronnie Silvestre.

According to the Cebu Coast Guard’s intelligence reports, some of the crew of Buleleng were seen illegally transferring the cargo of the Indonesian vessel to the motor tanker, which is owned by a Manila-based Clavecilla Marine Services Inc. and manned by seven officers and crew.

Coast Guard authorities are now conducting an investigation on what could be a possible case of oil pilferage and smuggling allegedly done at the seawaters of Naga City, Southern Cebu.

The four tanks contained 3,055 liters of diesel and 2,180 liters of bunker fuel.

Buleleng’s 10-man crew failed to present any document that would indicate their cargo or its origin. Records show, however, that the vessel left Indonesia last June 17, 2011.

MTKR Petrolino-I and its cargo were seized for violation of Section 2530 paragraph A, F, G and L of  the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as amended. (FREEMAN)

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