Dismissed DWUP casuals vowed aid

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young promised to help the casual employees of the Division for the Welfare of the Urban Poor whose contracts were no longer renewed by the city government.

Fourteen of them were given notices signed by Human Resource and Development Officer Veronica Morelos upon the recommendation of DWUP Chief Collin Rosell that the city government no longer needed their services effective July 1.

The 14 casual employees, who went to the Pagtambayayong Foundation Inc. last Saturday, said that they do not know where to find jobs.

Young said that he will help some of them get a job outside City Hall. 

Because of what had happened, Young criticized Rosell whom he labeled as having an “attitude problem” and whose heart does not belong to the squatters and the poor people.

But Rosell said that the 14 employees already know, and refused to reveal to the media, the real reasons as to why their contracts were not renewed. In fact, he said the positions of the people not recommended for contract renewal are no longer necessary like clerk and property custodian.

Rosell dismissed rumors that the reason for non-renewal of their contracts is politics because they were closely identified with Bando Osmeña Pundok Kauswagan of Cebu City south district Rep. Tomas Osmeña.

Morelos said that they only depended on the evaluation report submitted to them by department heads who decided on the fate of their subordinates. – THE FREEMAN

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