Rama to deliver SOCA sans council members

CEBU, Philippines - Come hell or high water, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama will deliver his first state of the city address on Friday to report to the people his one year accomplishments as local chief executive.

Rama said it does not matter anymore to him if majority of the city councilors are not attending his SOCA.

“The SOCA will come on Friday. What is important is the people and I am not thinking who will attend or who will not attend,” Rama said.

Except for his nephew, Councilor Edu Rama, the rest of the councilors including Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young are not attending the SOCA even if they were all invited.

Rama will deliver his SOCA at 3:00 p.m. on Friday at the Plaza Sugbo, breaking the tradition of having it in the session hall. The Mayor is forced to have his SOCA outside of the session hall because majority of the councilors refused to invite him in the council to deliver his speech.

All of the councilors are members of the powerful Bando Osmeña-Pundok Kauswagan of Cebu City South District Rep. Tomas Osmeña. Rama used to be a member of the group but he recently severed his membership with the group.

 Rama, who has been a member of the BOPK since 1992, bolted out from the group nearly a year after he was elected mayor.

Rama said he will deliver his SOCA in less than 40 minutes as he clarifies that he will not be attacking personalities but rather focus on his achievements.

City administrator Jose Marie Poblete has issued a memorandum directing all department heads and city employees to attend the SOCA.

In the memorandum, Poblete said that “attendance is a must” but Rama clarifies that a “skeletal force” will be in place. —(FREEMAN)  

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