Brgys need to wait longer

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City barangays have to wait for at least one month before their request for construction materials under the self-help projects can be delivered.

This after Mayor Michael Rama ordered city engineer Kenneth Carmelita Enriquez to have all the requests for self-help projects approved by his office first before making the release. This includes requests for footpaths, pathways and line canals.

“You are herby directed to instruct the in-charge to immediately coordinate with Mr. Philip Zafra (Office of the Mayor chief executive),” Rama said in his memorandum addressed to Enriquez.

Rama wants all requests for self-help projects to be addressed to his office. According to Rama’s memorandum, his office will make the necessary referrals to the Barangay Affairs Office headed by Andy Borres.

The referral will take one day, from Borres the request will be forwarded to Zafra, which will take three days.

Zafra will then refer the request to the Department of Engineering and Public Work (DEPW) for inspection along with the barangay affairs staff. After the inspection, a program of work and estimates (POWE) will be prepared by the project engineer or from the city engineering department.

From there, the POWE will be endorsed to a city councilor in the district where the requesting barangay belongs for endorsement and the mayor’s signature for release of the materials.

City administrator Jose Marie Poblete said the procedure is being done after city councilor Roberto Cabarrubias identified that there are materials for the self-help projects that are sub-standards and are just kept in a storage at the South Road Properties.

The construction materials stored at the engineering stockyard - some of which have remained unused for at least 10 years, according to Cabarrubias.

Poblete said that it is also for the city government to justify the request of barangays to the Commission on Audit (COA) that the materials requested was used for intended purpose. (FREEMAN)

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