Environmentalists dismayed: PNoy to open Kepco plant

CEBU, Philippines - President Benigno Aquino III is expected in Cebu tomorrow, his fourth visit here this year, to inaugurate the 100-megawatt power plant of KEPCO-SPC Power Corp. in Barangay Colon, Naga City. But an environmentalist claimed that the president is “just being ignorant” as to the scandal surrounding the power plant.

“It is a big challenge on our part to reach out to the president kay wala na siya kahibalo sa scandal generated by the said power plant,” said Atty. Gloria Ramos, co-director of Philippine Earth Justice Center Inc.

Ramos said that on Monday, there will be a court hearing in relation to the alleged indiscriminate dumping of coal ash of coal-fired power plants operators, the KEPCO-SPC in Naga City and the Toledo Power Plant and the Cebu Energy Development Corp. in Toledo City.

Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia and other local government unit officials together with the officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources were also impleaded in the case.

Aside form PEJCE, the other petitioners are the Central Visayas Farmer’s Development Center, Central Visayas Fisherfolks Development Center and concerned residents of Toledo City and Naga City.

Vince Cinches, 350.0rg country director, is hoping that Aquino will aggressively pursue the development of renewable energy in Cebu and block the entry of another coal-fired power plant in Cebu by declaring Cebu as a “renewable energy zone”.

Cinches also urged Aquino to unite with them in making Cebu the “Queen of Sustainability”.

KEPCO-SPC said that the inauguration ceremony will mark the completion of its modern facility that will help address the need of the Visayas area for affordable and reliable supply of electricity.

The multi-billion peso investment of the joint venture of KEPCO Philippines and SPC Power Corp. will also help power Cebu’s progressive and fast-growing economy.

Aquino will be the keynote speaker during the inauguration ceremony. The event will be attended by the heads of the different agencies in the energy industry and also the local officials of Cebu Province and Naga City.

The construction of the power plant in Barangay Colon began in February 2008. The commercial operation of the first 100-MW plant power started on February 28, 2011 while the second 100-MW commenced on May 31, 2011.

As a merchant plant, KSPC has already committed 92 percent of its capacity to electric customers. These are eight electric cooperatives, two distribution utilities and one aggregator, while the remaining capacity is allocated for the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market.

“Our power plant could provide Cebu and other areas in the Visayas with reliable, stable, affordable and cleaner power until the local economy is strong enough to afford renewable energy sources on a wide scale,” KSPC President and CEO Bok-Yull Lee said in a statement sent to The FREEMAN.

Lee also assured that like KEPCO’s modern facilities in Korea, the Cebu Power Plant will be operated and maintained as an environment-friendly power plant with an accompanying corporate social responsibility program that focuses on sustainable development projects for its stakeholders including the local community.

The Philippine Information Agency-7 has yet to reveal the complete itinerary of Aquino’s visit in today’s press briefing. —/BRP (FREEMAN)

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