NGO asks city: Close Osmeña Blvd. every Sunday

CEBU, Philippines - If the Cebu City Council approves, the whole stretch of Osmeña Boulevard from the Provincial Capitol to the Plaza Independencia will be closed to vehicles every Sunday.

But the Law of Nature Foundation, which pushes for the proposal in line with their “Road Revolution” movement for a healthier environment, will have to parry criticisms from some people who do not find the move as practical.

The scheme was tried yesterday when the City Traffic Operations Management (Citom) diverted all vehicles away from the Osmeña Blvd. to make it traffic and pollution-free.

Jeneveb Cabanig, 30, who works as a cashier for a Lotto outlet along Mango Avenue even on a Sunday, said this is not being practical.

“Mag-simhot-simhot lagi ta ug preskong hangin pero mag-putol-putol sad ang byahe nato. Lisod kaayo kay busy na nga dalan, labi na para sa mga senior citizen na mangompra, di baya tanan naa’y sakyanan. Magsige ta’g lakaw ani,” she said. (It’s true we are able to breathe fresh air but it’s too much of a hassle having several rides to a destination. And what about the elderly? Not everyone has a car so we would have to walk far.)

The Law of Nature Foundation members will go to the City Hall today to submit their proposed ordinance that outlines the suggested new road system, said lawyer Antonio Oposa, Jr., 2009 Ramon Magsaysay awardee and president of the said foundation.

Oposa said the event was initiated by the foundation for Cebuanos to declare “independence from air pollution and traffic congestion.”

The group said this is the time people can enjoy breathing fresh air and have quality time with their families.

Instead of bias for cars and individualized motor vehicles, the petition requests that the road space be generally divided into four parts: 30 percent for sidewalks, same percent for bike lanes, same for collective and non-polluting transportation system and 10 percent for urban edible gardens.

Oposa said he and other environmentalists will turn over more than 10,000 signatures supporting an ordinance to reconstruct city roads with sidewalks, bike lanes, gardens and collective transportation.

He cited Sections 120-127 of Republic Act 7160 of the Local Government Code, which states that it would need only 1,000 registered voters in cities, 100 voters in municipalities to initiate a petition for the city council to propose or amend and ordinance.

The group’s activities yesterday began with the Freedom walk, run and bike to Plaza Independencia at 6 a.m. Members of organizations and academic institutions such as the Cebu Environmental Sanitation Enforcement Team, Cebu Folding Bike Society and Our Lady of Joy Learning Center gathered to support the cause.

Engineer Brian Yuson, President of Saint James Academy and Skills Technology, through the group, also presented yesterday non-polluting transportation prototype powered by solar and wind energy.

Other activities included dancing lessons, exercise routines, aerobics, a mini-market of organic vegetables and fruits and other family-oriented activities designed to restore a sense of community among people. — (FREEMAN)

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