P20T lost in four robberies

CEBU, Philippines - Close to P20,000 cash and worth of valuables were lost in four separate robbery incidents in Cebu City Wednesday.

An unidentified burglar broke into a resto bar located at Avila Bldg. Gen. Maxilom Avenue at 8 p.m.

Erik the Red Bar lost Jack Daniel worth P2,280; digital camera and cash consisted the tip, water sale, and fine, totaling to P12,300.

Joel Manolong, manager of the bar, said their establishment was already closed when the incident happened. He said it was their security guard who called and informed him that the front door lock was forcibly destroyed.

Manolong said they immediately conducted inspection of the bar and found out the items and cash that were placed inside a drawer were already gone.

In a separate incident, a 73-year-old man lost P4,600 worth of cash and wristwatch around 12:30 a.m. at Tisa Hills Village, Barangay Tisa, Cebu City.

Pedro Cabilan lost his wristwatch worth P4,400 and P200 cash to unidentified suspect who barged into his house while he was out. The victim believed the perpetrator was able to gain entry into his house by scaling the concrete fence, forcibly destroying the window grill and detached the jalousie blades.

The suspect then proceeded to the bedroom of the victim and stole the items.

Another incident happened at the vicinity of Mango Square, Gen. Maxilom Avenue at 7:30 p.m.

Victims Niño Carvajal Escultor and Roland Habasa Mangyaoy, both cigarette vendors went to Fuente Police Station after they each lost P 5, 000 worth of assorted cigarette packs to Alex Rasda, a security guard assigned in Mango Square.

The victims narrated that they were at the vicinity of Mango Square vending cigarettes when Rasda approached them and without valid reason, confiscated their assorted cigarette packs against their will.

They added they begged to the security guard to return it, but the latter allegedly just ignored them.

At 1 a.m yesterday, a 23-year-old man was robbed of his cellular phone and cash while walking along Echavez Street, Barangay Lorega San Miguel.

Jefferson Baboyo said he was walking along the road when two motorcycle-riding men approached him, pretended to be strangers and asked him the way to Lorega.

But before he could answer, the suspects allegedly pointed a .38 caliber revolver at him and declared a hold-up.

Afraid, Baboyo then gave his cell phone and his P2,400 cash to the suspects who immediately fled towards unknown direction. (FREEMAN)

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