Rama cuts ties with BOPK

CEBU, Philippines - After enduring all that he could, Mayor Michael Rama finally realized it was time to cut ties with Bando Osmeña Pundok Kauswagan.

Rama yesterday announced his decision to bolt BOPK with which he has been affiliated for 13 years of his political life.

He said he can no longer take what his allies in BOPK are doing against him which reached its peak when the Mahiga settlers supported by the Pagtambayayong Foundation Inc. and some BOPK allies sued him in court over the alleged indiscriminate demolition of houses along the danger area of the Mahiga Creek.

“I’ve never wanted this to happen. But after all that’s happened, I will now be an independent mayor in the name of public service and in the name of God,” Rama announced yesterday.

Rama said that he did not plan to leave BOPK but he came to the decision when he was being interviewed by a local radio network about the Mahiga clearing operation and the legal battle he has to face after choosing what he thinks is best for the majority.

“God may have provided me the discernment. Sige ta’g storya og partido, sige sad sila’g ingon na wala ko’y labot. So I will go. Otherwise, it will be hypocrite of me to stay and I will appear naïve on what has been demonstrated against me,” he said.

The mayor has decided to be independent but clarified that he is only leaving the BOPK and not the Liberal Party.

He also brushed off speculations that he will join the opposition party Kugi Uswag Sugbo or ally himself with Governor Gwendolyn Garcia.

“I have not been thinking of joining another party. My party now is the people, those who are willing to stand with me,” he said.

When asked if it worried him that most of his decisions and projects might be blocked by the City Council whose members are mostly supporters of his predecessor Rep. Tomas Osmeña, Rama said that he is not worried at all because if the council blocks his projects and programs, it is not him who will be affected but the people who put them in office.

He told the council that even though they are not on his side, they must not deprive the people of the services they deserve just because he is no longer in BOPK.

Former mayor and now Rep. Tomas Osmeña said over TV Patrol that he is not surprised at all that Rama has decided to leave BOPK.

Osmeña said BOPK members have also started becoming unsatisfied with Rama’s way of running the city government.

When sought for comment, most councilors admitted they were surprised and expressed disappointment and regret in losing one of the group’s leaders.

They, however, want to keep their hands off the rift between Rama and Osmeña and concentrate on their jobs as legislators.

Councilor Jose Daluz III said that what Rama did was his prerogative and the decision should be respected but he hopes that it will not affect their duties as public servants.

Councilors Roberto Cabarrubias and Edgardo Labella said they were deeply saddened but also wish that the mayor’s sudden decision to leave the group will not affect the delivery of services to the people.

“I respect his decision to sever himself from BOPK.  I’m sure that he thought about this carefully. I wish him the best with whatever political plans he will embark on,” said Councilor Alvin Dizon.

Councilor Sisinio Andales said he respects the mayor’s decision but this shall not stop them from pursuing their shared goals to provide service to Cebuanos.

“He left, just a long time ago, but then I always told him that he is the mayor and I’m a councilor, I have the job to do and will continue to do so,” said Councilor Margarita Osmeña, wife of the former mayor.

Rama assured that there will be no major changes at all apart from his leaving BOPK.

He said even before he left the BOPK, he has been doing what he thinks is right for the city government and the people without necessarily being closely tied with the principles of the party.

Rama’s decision to leave BOPK turns history back a decade ago when Osmeña also cut ties with former mayor Alvin Garcia, head of KUSUG. — with Justine Inell F. Cutamora, /BRP

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