RTWPB fails to declare supervening condition

CEBU, Philippines - Despite a majority vote to declare the presence of a supervening condition that would merit an increase in the minimum wage, the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board still failed to make such formal declaration.

This after the legal counsel of the board itself questioned the results of the voting wherein three members including the chairman voted the existence of supervening condition.

RTWPB convened yesterday to resolve whether there is any supervening condition to warrant wage increase in Central Visayas. In a vote of 3-2, the board would have declared the presence of the supervening condition had it not of the legal question raised by the board’s legal counsel.

Lawyer Glen Tabon believes that RTWPB chairman Exequiel Sarcauga was not supposed to vote yesterday because what was voted upon was not wage increase.

Tabon said that it was not also in accordance with the RTWPB rules to proceed with the voting without the complete representations from the labor and management sectors.

The two labor repsentatives Ernesto Carreon and Marianito Ventura voted for the existence of supervening event while management representative Hidelito Pascual and government representative Asteria Caberte of the Department of Trade and Industry said there was no supervening condition.

Two other members, NEDA regional director Marlene Rodriguez and Charles Estreegan, were absent.

Sarcauga broke the tie by supported the two labor sector representatives. But, Tabon said this was not in accordance with their rules.

Carreon however said the requirement of complete representation from both labor and management only applies when they are voting whether or not to grant wage increase.

Carreon explained that what was voted upon yesterday was only the determination of supervening condition.

Due to the conflict of legal opinions, the issue will be submitted before the National Wages and Productivity Board legal division to resolve the matter.

RTWPB-7 issued wage order in September 2010 and under the rules, wage boards are not allowed to grant another wage increase within one year unless a supervening condition is present.

“We insisted nga naa gyuy supervening conditions. How come sa Metro Manila, they were able to declare the existence of supervening conditions nga mas mahal pa man gani ang gasolina sa Cebu,” Carreon said.

The Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines earlier filed a P100 across the board daily wage hike for workers in Central Visayas contending that increasing wages is needed to aid workers to cope with rising costs of fuel, fare and basic commodities.

The Alliance of Progressive Labor likewise asked for P120 across the board increase.

Carreon, who was recently appointed by President Benigno Aquino III to the RTWPB, said that unless the board declares a supervening condition the pending wage hike petitions will not be entertained. (FREEMAN)

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