Cops seize three kilos of cocaine

CEBU, Philippines -  Two men from Leyte were arrested after yielding at least three kilos of cocaine during a police operation in Barangay Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City yesterday morning.

The suspects were identified as Darwin Debuque, 36, a native of Tanauan, Leyte, and Eric Balansil, 36, of Caibaan, Tacloban City.

Personnel of Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operation Task Force from Manila led by Sr. Supt. Ismael Fajardo and operatives of Regional AIDSOTF led by Sr. Insp. Kenneth Paul confiscated 3.45 kilos of cocaine from the suspects.

The team arrested the suspects during a buy-bust operation conducted in front of a fast-food chain in Barangay Pusok around 9 a.m.

Fajardo estimated the confiscated illegal drugs at P17 million to 20 million. By Dangerous Drugs Board’s estimate, the drugs would amount to at least P15 million, said RAIDSOTF operative PO2 Dale Efe.

Fajardo said they had been monitoring Debuque and Balansil, claiming that the two have been selling kilos of cocaine in the Visayas.

He said the suspects’ cohorts sold cocaine in Manila and are now being monitored by police.

Every time they are in Cebu, Debuque and Balansil would reportedly stay at Debuque’s family-owned house in Plaza Housing, Barangay Lahug, Cebu City.

The seized cocaine bricks are reportedly part of those found along the shorelines of Eastern and Northern Samar.

During the operation, a poseur-buyer negotiated with the suspects to buy a kilo of cocaine using P1.4 million marked money.

When the deal was consummated, police immediately swooped down on the suspects, who did not resist arrest.

Debuque and Balansil are now detained at the Police Regional Office-7 while a charge will be filed against them tomorrow.

Meanwhile, over an hour later, police arrested a woman who tried to sneak several packs of suspected shabu into Mandaue City Jail yesterday morning.

Ester Alilim, 43, was arrested after jail guards found a plastic pack inside her mouth. The pack contained 11 small sachets of white substance believed to be shabu.

Insp. Anacleto Dusaran, deputy jail warden of Mandaue City Jail, said Alilim, who was eating candy, attempted to run away when Jail Officer 2 Annie Rose Berdin and Jail Officer 1 Shiela Dela Victoria asked her to open her mouth.

Dusaran said opening a visitor’s mouth is part of their searching procedure at the jail.

Alilim, who was once arrested for selling shabu but was able to post bail, was supposed to visit her live-in-partner, Merlito Hortezano, who was incarcerated for selling shabu.

The suspect was turned over to Opao Police Station while charges are now being prepared against her. (FREEMAN)

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