Irregular P5m cash advance Council to hold executive session

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Council has summoned City Treasurer Ofelia Oliva, City Treasurer Arlene Rentuza, City Administrator Jose Marie Poblete and all the department heads to attend its executive session next week to explain the circumstances involving the withdrawal of P5.1 million without the required procedure.

The council also asked the manager of the Land Bank of the Philippines-Plaza branch to attend the session to explain why the money was released without the accountant’s advice.

In a resolution, City Councilor Edgardo Labella said the council wants to be enlightened regarding the cash advance for the purchase of Christmas lights, when the supposed transaction involving a huge amount of money must pass through the accounting office for review before issuing an advice to release the funds.

Oliva, who was in charge of the street lights and Christmas decoration, reportedly admitted that she called up the bank and told them that the accountant’s advice will follow.

Oliva, however, insisted that the transaction was legal and not anomalous. She said that their office has yet to submit to COA the supposed pre-audit documents and the liquidation report as their office has difficulty liquidating.

She said they are still waiting for the liquidation reports from the remaining eight departments. 

But, in a separate interview with the reporters, Rentuza said procedures were not followed from the very start.

“Matawag gyud nato nga naa’y shortcut. Dili gyud masayon-sayon ang pag-cash advance,” Rentuza said, as she stressed that she reminded the city treasurer that procedures must be followed. The purchase of the transaction did not go through public bidding as mandated in the Philippine Government Procurement Law.

Rentuza said the Commission on Audit has already suspended the transaction twice for not following procedures.

The amount submitted to COA’s pre-audit was dated December 2, 2010 but the check was already cashed and withdrawn on December 1, 2010. 

Rentuza said she stamped in the voucher of the transaction “this voucher is subject to COA pre-audit” but was surprised to learn that the amount was already cashed in the bank. 

 “Ako mismo natingala kung nganong na-release ang kwarta,” Rentuza said, adding that check should not have been made without approval from the COA. —(FREEMAN)

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