CH workers reminded of 15-day period to file resignations

CEBU, Philippines - City Hall employees have been directed by the Human Resource Development Office to observe some policies upon resignation from service.

City HRDO head Mary Ann Suson said the employees are directed to observe the 15-day notice rule upon resignation, which she or he should submit to her office.

“This is in line with the new administration’s thrust and programs of the city government,” said Suson.

Suson said the HRDO will be responsible for submitting the notice of resignation to the Office of the Mayor for acceptance and approval.

Suson said the employees who are planning to resign shall go to the Office of the HRDO a day before the effectivity of their resignation for an exit interview and clearances.

Office clearance will not be issued to the employees who fail to undergo an exit interview with the HRDO.

Also, the employees who wish to resign must first secure clearances from the City Treasurer’s Office, General Services Office and the accounting office before the resignation will be approved.

The three department offices are very vital to City Hall’s transactions especially if the employees are holding vital positions. 

There are close to 6,000 regular and casual employees in City Hall. –(FREEMAN)

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