MCBMB to review bridge security

CEBU, Philippines - The Metro Cebu Bridge Management Board is set to hold a special meeting within the week to review the security measures at the Marcelo Fernan Bridge following last week’s incident wherein a man was able to climb and stayed for 44 hours on the top of the tower.

MCBMB chairperson and Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia said that she expects concerned agencies who are members of the board to come up with measures to prevent similar incident in the future.

“We will have to discuss further procedures in preempting a strange persons exhibiting strange behavior from demonstrating such behavior in our bridges,” Garcia said.

The board has pulled out the security guards from the bridge and instead installed a Traffic Surveillance and Monitoring System and CCTV cameras.

Garcia said that the monitoring system is so effective even though it was under attack.

Garcia wondered why other persons used the bridge in exhibiting such behaviors.

“They could probably do it elsewhere in the middle of the park or in a mental asylum but not in the bridge, a vital facility,” she said.

Jecy Mollena, 20, a native of Don Carlos Bukidnon climbed on the top of the tower of the Marcelo Fernan Bridge and stayed on top for 44 hours before finally deciding to come down after seeing a coming vessel.

Mollena, who was immediately arrested, said he was planning to jump into the ship to hitch a ride to Bukidnon.(FREEMAN NEWS)


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