Rama in "big trouble" over destroyed pyros

CEBU, Philippines - It was all a misunderstanding.

Cebu City south district Representative Tomas Osmeña clarified yesterday that he advised Mayor Michael Rama not to destroy the P3 million worth of pyrotechnic devices confiscated from businessman Brian Lim, owner of Pyroworks Pyrotechnic Perfection, to spare him from trouble.

“The issue on pyrotechnic is a distorted issue. I am trying to help him! He’s in big trouble I tell you,” Osmeña said.

The congressman said that the Constitution says that nobody can destroy a property without due process.

“There was no ordinance and they destroyed on the basis of a resolution. The resolution can’t amend the Constitution,” Osmeña said.

He said that there were no grounds to destroy the products without proper procedure because in the first place Lim’s goods are not contraband.

“His goods are not drugs, not marijuana, not explosives…he has the permits. So sayop g’yud na,” Osmeña said.

He said that if Lim decides to file a case against the mayor he will support Lim, although he is not urging Lim to do it.

He just believes that the businessman must not be deprived of his right to due process of law.

“I don’t think he should be intimidated in filing a case. We really cannot destroy someone else’s property. I’m surprised that it had to go that far,” Osmeña said.

Before Rama ordered the destruction of the devices, Osmeña suggested that the businessman be given a chance to cut the bureaucracy of going to court just to decide what to do with the confiscated goods.

The mayor also believes that Lim deserves a chance because the businessman has been very nice to the city.

“He’s really a nice guy. He’s very active in the city activities. He organized the sports activity during the festival at the SRP. He’s going through all these because he’s a friend of Miguel. Why? Is it a crime to be a friend of Miguel Osmeña?” Osmeña said referring to his son.

“I was really trying to help him (Rama) out,” he clarified.

Under the Local Government Code, Osmeña said that the Local Government Unit may only impose a fine up to P5,000.

What damage the city has caused Lim, Osmeña said, is an abuse of the intent of law. (FREEMAN)  

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