Balili controversy: Saavedra sends PB resolution to P.Noy, Tanodbayan

CEBU, Philippines – Self-styled anti-graft crusader Crisologo Saavedra forwarded to Manila the Provincial Board resolution requesting the Office of the Ombudsman Visayas to speed up the investigation into the alleged anomalous purchase of the Balili property in Tinaan, Naga.

A copy of the resolution was sent by Saavedra to Ombudsman Ma. Merceditas Gutierrez and President Benigno Aquino III.

"As a private complainant, I am desperately petitioning your office to please accelerate the evaluation, resolution and decision of the aforementioned celebrated cases," Saavedra said in his letter to Gutierrez.

In his letter, he made mention of the Cebu International Convention Center but the PB resolution only mentioned the Balili property issue.

Saavedra thanked the PB members for approving such resolution without the interference of Vice-Governor Gregorio Sanchez, Jr.

Although, the resolution was sponsored by PB Member Arleigh Jay Sitoy, a member of the opposition, but the majority of the members of the board approved it without discussion on October 18.

"The taxpayers of the Province of Cebu deserve a speedy resolution of the case in as much as it involves a substantial amount of money coming from the coffers of the Cebu provincial government," the resolution reads.

Saavedra said that sending the copy of the said resolution to Manila could greatly help pressure the anti-graft office to speed up the resolution of the case. 

The Ombudsman launched a fact-finding investigation into the P98.9 million Capitol transaction based on the requests filed by Saavedra, environmental lawyers and media reports that a large portion of the 24.7-hectare property is underwater.

An ocular survey conducted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in Central Visayas (DENR-7) confirmed that 82 percent or 20.2 hectares out of the 24.7-hectare Balili property is submerged in seawater and planted with mangroves.

Despite the fact, a Capitol-created committee headed by the National Bureau of Investigation cleared Governor Gwendolyn Garcia of any responsibility. The NBI-led committee only recommended the filing of administrative charges against the members of the Cebu Provincial Appraisal Committee.

The anti-graft body reportedly has completed the investigation long time ago but has not released its findings until now. Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Pelagio Apostol however said their findings have to be approved by Gutierrez. (FREEMAN)

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