Ombuds clears DENR executive from admin raps

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas has dismissed an administrative complaint against an official of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for lack of evidence.

The anti-graft office cleared DENR-7 technical director Diana Apistar of the complaint for violation of the Republic Act 6713 otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

In a decision recently approved by the Ombudsman Manila, the Ombudsman-Visayas found no sufficient basis to indict Apistar of the complaint filed by Alejo Necesito, Sr. in January 9, 2006.

The complaint stemmed from the alleged failure of Apistar, head of the land management section of DENR-7, to act on the survey returns of a lot located in Taclobo, Dumaguete City.

Necesito said he submitted the survey returns of his lot for Apistar’s approval but the latter allegedly failed to act. The respondent also did not reply on the follow-up made by the complaint, in violation of the code of conduct and ethical standards.

Apistar, however, said the document was not released to the complainant because he failed to present an authorization from the geodetic engineer allowing him to receive the document. The anti-graft office found the explanation credible, thus, dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. (THE FREEMAN)

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