Sanchez refers Capitol budget to DBM

CEBU, Philippines – Resigned to the fact that he could not stop Governor Gwendolyn Garcia's ally in the Provincial Board from passing the P3 billion proposed annual budget of the Capitol next year, Cebu Vice Governor Gregorio Sanchez Jr. is bringing his objection before the Department of Budget and Management.

Sanchez referred the controversial budget to the DBM even before its approval by the board.

Section 326 of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides that "the Department of Budget and Management shall review ordinances authorizing the annual or supplemental appropriations of provinces. . ."

Sanchez said that he advanced his position paper to DBM saying that there is no way that they can debate it before the plenary because the majority of the members of the board are allied with Garcia.

"Akong giunhan kay maabot man gihapon na didto," Sanchez said.

Sanchez and PB member Arleigh Jay Sitoy are the only members of the opposition in the province.

Even if it was not calendared for business during yesterday's session, the board briefly tackled the annual budget after Sitoy asked for the status of the budget.

PB Member Peter John Calderon, who chairs the committee on budget and appropriation, said that on the basis of official referral of the proposed budget to his committee, his committee already conducted a public hearing.

Despite Sanchez' question, Calderon said the conduct of the hearing was proper and in order.

Sanchez claimed that Calderon should not have proceeded with the budget hearing because of the controversy that was created after he delivered his privilege speech.

Based on the board's house rules, controversial matters should not be included in the omnibus motion.

But Calderon, who is also the majority floor leader, said there was no objection and request for discussion when the proposed annual budget was referred to his committee and deemed approved for first reading.

Sanchez said that even if he moved for discussion, the budget would still be approved as they are the majority.

PB member Sun Shimura said Sanchez should not have presumed the budget would pass for first reading even if there was an objection. According to Shimura, even if he is a member of the majority but he will vote no if he finds the budget illegal.

"We are not stamping pad here," Shimura said.

Shimura suggested that any objections shall be appropriately discussed during the committee hearing tomorrow. Calderon said he is inviting all PB members to attend the budget hearing. (FREEMAN)

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